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The property owner & owner-to-be Tech

Asians like to make money and love to invest in property. Asians will continue to invest in properties, despite there being alternatives in the virtual world, such as NFT & cryptocurrency. The big money of the majority will still channel to the tangible property. It is quite common for an individual or a family to own a couple of properties in a country.Ā 

Our clientele consists of mainly SME owners and professionals, more than 90% of them own more than one property. We keep in touch with them almost every 1 or 2 years to review their mortgage needs and sometimes they approach us for new purchase mortgage advice. Gradually, we become their think-tank whenever they come across mortgage (or property) matters.

Throughout the years, we also learnt that we completed more than 70% of mortgage advisory & application without a face-to-face meeting. These owners could make decisions through an email recommendation. They believe in technology, proper entity setup and the legal infrastructure in Singapore. It is literally a kind of ā€œonlineā€ experience.Ā Ā Ā Ā 

We ask ourselves how do we transform our experiences into a scalable model (with cross country borders) and benefit more property owners. The answer is ā€“ RICHCO-SPACE ā€“ a property owner centric app.

From a userā€™s perspective, this app helps to perform a lot of things related to property & mortgage. (for details, please click here for the features & functions). From the value-chain perspective, we aim to create the largest quality property owner network in the next few years. It will form a magnet to attract quality service providers to the ā€œSPACEā€ created by RICHCO-SPACE.Ā 

Manage & establish your *RICH portfolio with us, sign up RICHCO-SPACE today.

* RĀ  = Residential
Ā  Ā IĀ  = Industrial
Ā  C = Commercial
Ā  H = Hotel

Max Borrowing
New Purchase
Equity Cash Out
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