RICHCO-SPACE Equity Cash Out calculator will assist you to find out your property potential cash out amount, based on personal and company own property LTV (‘Loan-to-valuation’) rules.
In this calculator, you are required to key in your property market value and estimated outstanding loan (if there is any). For private residential property, you are required to provide the CPF amount used & accrued interest. <click here to abstract>
If you are not sure about your property valuation, we would be happy to assist you to obtain an indicative valuation by our collaboration banks.<click here to request>
A Good way for fundraising.
Equity Cash out loan interest & loan tenure is always the same as the original loan package.
In other words, the borrower will enjoy relatively cheaper interest rates and longer payback time.
Unlike other loan facilities, such as unsecured business loan, personal loan, overdraft, credit card etc, they always charge higher fee, interest rate and much shorter repayment time.
Two Key Factors for a success Equity Cash Out Application
Steps for Equity Cash Out Application.
The process of equity cash out is quite similar to refinancing.
Step 1: To determine the subject property indicative valuation.
Step 2: To derive equity cash out amount based on LTV rules – the cash out amount substantial enough?
Step 3: To determine the borrower’s borrowing capacity:
i) Personally own – TDSR method <click here for My Maximum Loan – Self Assessment>
ii) Company own – only for operating company <click here to request>
Step 4: Identify the loan package & apply.
No Additional Fee payable to RICHCO-SPACE if you apply for a bank mortgage via RICHCO-SPACE.
We assure you that all your information will be kept confidential.